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- Enrichment
At Farnham Heath End School we offer an extensive range of additional opportunities that allow students to develop as young people, giving them the experiences and confidence they need to flourish as independent young learners both in and outside of the curriculum. At FHES we offer a lot more than academic excellence. We offer a wide range of activities to all students from all year groups. Enrichment helps students to develop their interests and abilities, provides valuable learning experiences outside their studies and promotes independence and interpersonal links with students in other years.
We offer a comprehensive variety of clubs that cater for all:
- The Duke of Edinburgh Award to stretch those students who like a challenge.
- Access to the library and activities that enhance students' love of reading.
- Curriculum based trips to further engage students.
- Residential trips within the UK and abroad to enhance cultural experiences.
Students can take part in a range of musical activities - choir, string quartet or rock band to name a few. We incorporate interests such as debating, art or creative writing. If a particular interest is not covered, we will support our students in starting their own clubs.
There are a wide range of team and individual sports to choose from. Our students compete against local schools and in national tournaments.
Most clubs and activities are free to join and take place during lunchtime or after school.
Some of our enrichment offers additional academic support for students. As students progress into KS4, there are intervention sessions for most subjects on offer to support them with their progress and revision for GCSE.
Use the links on the Enrichment menu to learn more about each opportunity.
Please contact Miss J Lecocq, jlecocq@fhes.org.uk, for any further information.