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Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health
Our Designated Senior Mental Health lead is Mr B Jones. He can be contacted by emailing bjones@fhes.org.uk or by calling 01252 733371.
At FHES, the wellbeing of our school community is paramount. We promote physical wellness and positive mental health as we know this helps us all to thrive.
During their time with us, we want to equip our young people with the tools to lead a happy, healthy and fulfilling life. We achieve this through our strong sense of community, PSHE curriculum, pastoral support, intervention, extensive range of extra-curricular activities and by keeping wellbeing as a top priority.
All students will go through highs and lows in their teenage years so we have the following additional support in school;
- Emotional Literacy Support Mentoring (ELMS).
- Drawing and Talking sessions.
- Mentoring and wellbeing ambassadors (Eikon).
- Targeted group work on themes such as self-esteem and anxiety.
- Wellbeing support with Space2Grow.
- Emotional support via MELP.
When appropriate, we will also involve external professionals and organisations such as our Educational Psychologist, Mindworks, Step-by-Step, Safe Haven and CAMHS.
If you have any concerns about your child’s emotional wellbeing or mental health, please contact their form tutor in the first instance who will arrange support. If your child is questioning their gender identity and you would like to discuss this, please email Mr Jones, bjones@fhes.org.uk. We also have a group of Year 8 Wellbeing Ambassadors whose focus is spreading positivity.
We hope you find the resources on this page useful. If you have any questions, please contact your child's Tutor.
Wellbeing Activities recommended by Educational Psychologists
Nip in the bud / Tips for Returning to School
Kooth - Online Mental Wellbeing Community
Step by Step - Counselling and Mental Health Resources
Mindworks SurreyHampshire CAMHS
CYP Haven - "A safe place to get support when I am feeling distressed and worried about how I am feeling."
Anna Freud Centre - Crisis Support Service
POD - Beat's e-Learning Platform for support with an Eating Disorder
The Mix - Online Support for Students