Subject Information - English
To provide students with the powerful knowledge and skills needed to explore the human condition and appreciate the beauty of English.
Studying English allows us to develop into confident communicators and critical thinkers. It also allows us to be transported to other worlds or experience different ways of life through the power of literature.
Resources and support materials can be found on Google Classroom.
Further information can be requested from Mr J Du Preez, Head of Department, jdupreez@fhes.org.uk
English units do not follow the school calendar, but will in this order throughout the year.
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 7 |
Where the World Ends - This unit develops an understanding of literature analysis and uses this as a springboard for creative writing. |
Heroes and Monsters - This unit builds part of the cultural capital required for the study of English. It is used as a springboard for creative writing. The Tempest - This unit introduces some of the key ideas associated with the study of Shakespeare. It introduces key contextual ideas relating to the colonised and coloniser. |
Introduction to Poetry - This unit introduces some of the key language used when discussing poetry. Alongside this, students are encouraged to express their own ideas through poetry. Persuasive Writing - This unit introduces non-fiction study and rhetoric. Students are encouraged to create and present their own speeches. |
Year 8 |
Sherlock Holmes - This unit examines some of the key ideas associated with 19th Century fiction alongside a focus on writer’s skills, particularly characterisation. The Gothic - This unit examines the Gothic and uses this as a springboard for creative writing. |
Much Ado About Nothing - This unit builds on the students’ knowledge from Year 7. It introduces the key contextual knowledge of courtly love and the patriarchy.
Identity - This unit reinforces the poetic knowledge gained in Year 7. Students examine their own identity through a diverse selection of poetry. Persuasive Media - Students examine how through advertising and language the media can manipulate viewers. |
Year 9 |
A View From the Bridge - This unit examines the hero’s downfall through the tragic protagonist. Travel Writing - This unit examines how place and self are explored by writers. |
War Poetry - This unit examines the lives and words of poets, particularly those of WWI, who have written about war and its effects. Macbeth - This unit further develops knowledge of tragedy, writer’s intention and the analysis of language and character. |
Trapped! - This extract based unit uses modern fiction to explore race and gender in the modern world. The Art of Rhetoric - This unit explores great speeches through a classical lens. |
Year 10 |
An Inspector Calls - plot, character, theme, context, analysis and essay writing. A Christmas Carol - plot, character, theme, context, analysis and essay writing. |
English Language Paper 1 - Fiction reading and writing. Power and Conflict Poetry 1 - poetic terms, theme, context, analysis and essay writing. |
English Language Paper 2 - Non-fiction reading and writing. Year 10 Mock Exams |
Year 11 |
Romeo and Juliet - plot, character, theme, context, analysis and essay writing. Power and Conflict - poetic terms, theme, context, analysis and essay writing. |
Mock Exams Unseen Poetry - Poetry |
Exams |
Key Skills |
Year 7 Simple |
Year 8 Clear |
Year 9 Confident |
Year 10 Thoughtful |
Year 11 Exploratory |
Analysis |
Simple thesis statement. References used, some use of quotations.
Some explanation of context or genre in relation to text. Some comparison between two texts. |
Clear thesis statement. Precise references used, quotations used consistently. Methods identified with clear explanation of writer’s intention. Clear explanation of context or genre in relation to text. Clear comparison between two texts.
Confident thesis statement. Precise references used, a number of quotations used to support. Confident explanation of the effect of methods linked to the writer's intention. Confident explanation of context or genre in relation to text. Confident comparison between two texts. |
Thoughtful thesis statement. Judicious references used, a number of quotations used to support. Thoughtful analysis of the effect of methods linked to the writer's intention. Thoughtful examination of context, with detailed links. Thoughtful comparison between two texts. |
Exploratory, conceptualised thesis. Judicious references used, a number of quotations used to support. Exploratory analysis of the effect of methods linked to the writer's intention. Exploratory examination, with detailed links. Exploratory comparison between two texts. |
Communication Structure |
Communicates with some sustained success. Some simple use of writer’s methods. Some consideration of overall structure. Ideas are separated by paragraphs. |
Communication is generally clear. Consistent and clear use of methods. Clear, logical structure. Ideas clearly linked. Paragraphs are accurate. |
Developed communication. Effective use of a range of methods. Confident and controlled structure. Paragraphs are accurate.
Creative/ Detailed communication. Varied and complex methods used creatively. Creative use of structural devices to shape a text and achieve specific effects. Creative use of paragraphing for effect. |
Sophisticated communication. Sophisticated and judicious selection of a wide range of methods, manipulated for effect. Sophisticated control of a judiciously selected structure. Sophisticated and crafted paragraphing. Ideas cohesively crafted across the text. |
Communication SPAG
Attempts a range of sentence types. Varied vocabulary. Accurate spelling of complex words. Confidence in sentence demarcation - use of full stop and comma secure. Other punctuation attempted. |
A range of sentence types used accurately. Some sophisticated use of vocabulary. Increasingly accurate spelling of complex words. Sentences demarcated accurately. A varied range of punctuation is used, mostly accurately. |
A range of sentence types used accurately, for effect. Consistently sophisticated use of vocabulary. Accurate spelling, including complex words. Sentences demarcated accurately. A varied range of punctuation is used, mostly accurately. |
Creative use of sentence structures and openings. Extensive and ambitious vocabulary. Accurate spelling, including complex words. Sentences demarcated accurately. A varied range of punctuation is used, accurately.
Sophisticated crafting of sentence structures and openings. Extensive and ambitious vocabulary. Accurate spelling, including complex words. Sentences demarcated accurately. A varied range of punctuation is used, accurately. |
Exam Board |
Paper 1 |
Shakespeare and 19th Century text. |
Romeo and Juliet A Christmas Carol |
Paper 2 |
Modern text and poetry. |
An Inspector Calls Power and Conflict Poetry Unseen Poetry |
Link to the Specification |
https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/english/gcse/english-literature-8702/specification-at-a-glance |