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In-Year Admissions
Thank you for your interest in transferring your child to Farnham Heath End School. You can make an In-Year application if your child needs to join Farnham Heath End outside of the normal admissions round. Farnham Heath End School is an Academy and the Weydon Multi Academy Trust is the Admissions Authority. The Admissions Authority is responsible for setting the admission arrangements, holding waiting lists and for allocating places.
If you are resident in Surrey, applications can be made either directly to Farnham Heath End School or to Surrey Admissions. Please note, you must not withdraw your child from their current school until you have secured a place for them at another school. If you do not live in Surrey, please contact Farnham Heath End School directly.
You can apply for In-Year Admission if you are moving house and your child cannot continue at their current school, or if your child is being educated at home and you want them to attend a mainstream school instead or if your child is already at school, but you want to move them to a different school.
Applications can be made for an In-Year Admission up to four weeks before the place is needed. For members of the Armed Services and Crown Servants who are being relocated to the area, you can apply up to four months in advance of a move. Applicants who are seeking a school place for a child from the beginning of the autumn term, you can apply from the beginning of July.
- Please complete an application by either applying online using the In-Year Online Portal, or applying on paper. Details can be found using this link:
Surrey County Council - In-Year Admissions
- If you are applying on paper, the form required is an Application Form CMA. If you require a hard copy of this document to be sent to you, please contact the school admission team on 01252 733371 then choose the option for Admissions or email Liz Crosby at lcrosby@wmat.org.uk
- The person applying should be the person with parental responsibility for the child. If you are unsure of your status, you should submit your application with a covering letter explaining your situation.
- Please attach / upload or enclose 2 types of proof of residency and, if applicable, any supporting information such as professional evidence to support an exceptional / medical / social claim, a change of address or proof of arrival in the United Kingdom.
- A supplementary form is needed if you are applying under our Staff Criteria.
- Applications are processed and outcomes communicated as quickly as possible, usually within fifteen school days of receiving your fully completed application form.
- You must respond to any offer of a place within two weeks. Your offer will explain how to accept or decline the place. The offer of a school place may be withdrawn if you fail to accept the place in time.
- We will normally arrange for your child to start with us as soon as it is possible to do so, and no later than ten school days of you formally accepting the place. You should make arrangements for your child to take up the place as soon as it is offered. If there is a good reason for deferring take up, the maximum deferral period is usually the start of the next half term.
- If we are unable to offer you a place, we will advise you why we cannot offer you a place and we will add your child’s name to our waiting list. Waiting lists are ranked as per our Admissions Policy. Your child's position on a waiting list may go down as well as up, for example, if other children with greater priority, according to the school's admissions criteria, are added to the list. Lists are disbanded at the end of each academic year and, should you wish to be considered for a school place for the following academic year, a fresh application will need to be made.
- You have the right to appeal if you do not receive an offer from your preferred school. Please see the appeals section on our website for more information.
- All information on In-Year applications received and any offers made will be shared with Local Authority Admissions within two days.
Farnham Heath End School is part of the Weydon Multi Academy Trust. Please contact Liz Crosby on 01252 733371 or email lcrosby@wmat.org.uk for further information and guidance about Admissions to Farnham Heath End School. Alternatively, for full and comprehensive admission details, please click on the links below: