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Subject Information - PE
At Farnham Heath End School we offer a broad and ambitious curriculum, and extra-curricular programme to support with students making a lifelong commitment to physical activity and sport.
We ensure all students have the opportunity to become a hero, whilst developing a lifelong passion for sport and movement.
PE is a subject like no other! Studying PE allows students to understand how to maintain a physically, mentally and socially healthy lifestyle; whilst building resilience and character through a range of different sports and activities. Studying PE allows students to develop confidence and competency in their sporting performance. Furthermore, exposure to a range of different sports both during curriculum lessons and extra-curricular clubs can establish strong pathways to elite sporting centres.
The range of sporting extra-curricular opportunities at FHES is hugely diverse and we truly believe there is something for everyone! As a department, we conduct regular student voice surveys to ensure our programme is tailored to the interests of our students. All sports are open to all year groups and genders. The range of sports clubs and teams we offer is detailed below. We have a huge number of sports teams in which students will have the opportunity to represent. We pride ourselves on ensuring all teams remain inclusive and accessible to all students, whilst striving for excellence alongside this. This is evidenced by offering two teams in multiple year groups, as well as having regular league and cup success in a range of different sports and year groups.
Further information can be requested from Mr A Rider, Head of Department, arider@fhes.org.uk
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 7 Range of Skills |
Invasion Game & Aesthetics All students will complete ONE of (HT1) -Basketball -Rugby -Football -Netball All students will complete ONE of (HT2) -Dance Gymnastics |
Net/wall & OAA All students will complete ONE of (HT3) OAA to include -Map reading/ orientation -Problem solving -Teamwork All students will complete ONE of (HT4) Table Tennis Badminton |
Athletics/ Striking and fielding All students will complete ONE of (HT5) -Cricket -Rounders All students will complete ONE of (HT6) Athletics (track/field/jumps) |
Year 8 Quality of skills
Invasion Game & Aesthetics All students will complete ONE of (HT1) -Basketball -Rugby -Handball -Netball All students will complete ONE of (HT2) -Dance Gymnastics |
Net/wall & OAA All students will complete ONE of (HT3) OAA to include -Map reading/ orientation -Problem solving -Teamwork All students will complete ONE of (HT4) Table Tennis Badminton Pickleball |
Athletics/ Striking and fielding All students will complete ONE of (HT5) -Cricket -Rounders All students will complete ONE of (HT6) Athletics (track/field/jumps) |
Year 9 Range of Skills |
Health and Fitness - Health, wellbeing, fitness - Consequences of a sedentary lifestyle - Obesity and how it may affect performance - Somatotypes - Energy use - Nutrition- Physical training Components of Fitness - Links to sporting examples - NEA Fitness strengths and weakness |
- Types of training - The principles of training and overload (and application) - Calculating intensities to optimise training - Considerations to prevent injury - Warming up and cooling down - Altitude training- Training seasons - Reasons for and limitations of fitness testing - Measuring the components of fitness - How data is collected for fitness testing - NEA (finish strengths and weaknesses and fitness session) |
Identification of the bones - Structure and functions of the skeleton - Muscles of the body - Structure of a synovial joint - Movement at a joint - Antagonistic pairs - First, second and third class lever systems within sporting examples - Mechanical advantage - Analysis of basic movements in sporting examples Planes and axes of movement |
Year 10 GCSE |
- Goal setting - SMART targets - Arousal Theory - Controlling arousal
- Spectator behaviour - Conduct of performers - Aggression - Motivation |
-Pathway of air - Gaseous exchange - Blood vessels - Structure of the heart - Cardiac cycle -Mechanics of breathing (spirometer trace) - Aerobic and anaerobic (and recovery process) - The short and long term effects of exercise |
- Commercialisation - Technology - Links to effects in participation |
Year 11 GCSE |
Practical intervention and targeted content delivery based on Year 10 exams. |
Practical intervention and targeted content delivery based on Year 11 mocks. |
Key Skills |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
Develop physical skills in each sport and demonstrate progress in line with success criteria. |
Students will perform skills in isolation and learn how to embed them into a game situation. |
Students will learn how to combine skills and learn how to embed them into a game situation. |
Students recap each skill and will learn the tactics around skills and how to best use them to outwit opponents. |
Students will recap each skill and develop tactics in different game-based scenarios. |
Students will apply their knowledge of skills in game-based lessons. |
Use of a range of tactics/strategies to overcome opponents in team sports. |
Students will begin to explore a variety of methods to overcome their opponents. For example, exploring tactical decisions within their passes, plays and positioning. |
Students will begin to implement a variety of methods to overcome their opponents. For example, outwitting opponents with a variety of passes, plays and positioning. |
Students will be able to cater decision making and discuss the tactical advantage of using particular methods to overcome their opponents. For example, methods of marking (man to man/zonal), fakes/dodges, passes and plays.
Students will be able to use a variety of methods to overcome their opponents. These will have a high success rate and decision making will be effective in a variety of competitive scenarios. For example, methods of marking (man to man/zonal), fakes/dodges, pass choice and tactical plays/set pieces. |
Option choices- students can choose pathway throughout the year with focus on sport for life. Within their chosen sport, they will be able to use a variety of methods to overcome their opponents. These will have a high success rate and decision making will be effective in a variety of competitive scenarios.
Use of a range of tactics/strategies to overcome opponents in individual sports. |
Students will begin to explore a variety of methods to overcome their opponent. For example, exploring tactical decisions within their passes, plays and positioning. |
Students will begin to explore a variety of methods to overcome their opponent. For example, outwitting opponents with a variety of passes, plays and positioning. |
Students will be able to cater decision making and discuss the tactical advantage of using particular methods to overcome their opponents. For example, when to use specific shots, plays and positioning. |
Students will be able to use a variety of methods to overcome their opponents. These will have a high success rate and decision making will be effective in a variety of competitive scenarios. For example, fakes/dodges, shot choice and tactical plays/set pieces. |
Option choices- students can choose pathway throughout the year with focus on sport for life. Within their chosen option, students will use a variety of methods to outwit their opponent. Students will have a high degree of success and be effective in competitive scenarios. |
Ability to review, reflect and assess own performance and make improvements. To be able to effectively peer assess. |
To be able to apply teacher feedback to make improvements in performance in line with success criteria. |
To be able to be provide peer feedback, as well as staff feedback on performance and techniques to support with progress towards success criteria. |
To be able to reflect and assess own performance with limited teacher input, whilst continuing to make progress towards success criteria. |
To be able to critique professional/model levels of performance and apply key skills to own performance. |
To set own success criteria and be able to determine how and where progress can be made in line with own performance. |
Develop Dance techniques with a range of dance forms. |
To be able to demonstrate the ability to move to the beat of the music and adapt set materials of choreography. Students develop a kinaesthetic awareness through a variety of tasks that focus on posture, angles and shapes. |
Students learn how to peer and self-evaluate performances within the class with teacher scaffolding (potentially using technology). Students learn how to tell stories through dance styles (potentially relating to life events). |
To be able to create routines independently (or/and as a group - with minimal scaffolding from the teacher) that includes key features from a variety of dance styles OR focusing on one dance style for the duration for the half term. Students are able to use skills and knowledge learnt in Years 7 and 8 within independent work. Students are able to critically evaluate professional work. |
GCSE Dance option |
GCSE Dance option
Implementation of non-physical attributes in line with school values including friendship and high moral standards. |
Ability to work as part of a team, demonstrating communication, listening and friendship. Able to understand the abilities of others and be empathetic. High moral standards in terms of utilising equipment. |
Ability to work as part of a team, and able to begin to take on leadership roles. Able to understand roles in performance/play and where best to utilise different abilities. High moral standards in terms of utilising equipment. |
Ability to work as part of a team, demonstrating various roles within a team, e.g. coach, player, referee. High moral standards in terms of utilising equipment and coaching/refereeing game play. |
Ability to work as part of a team, demonstrating various roles within a team, e.g. coach, player, referee. High moral standards in terms of utilising equipment and coaching/refereeing game play Ability to demonstrate resilience in engaging in PE lesson and understanding reasons for curriculum. |
Ability to work as part of a team, demonstrating various roles within a team, e.g. coach, player, referee. High moral standards in terms of utilising equipment and coaching/refereeing game play Ability to demonstrate resilience in engaging in PE lesson and understanding reasons for curriculum. |
Develop understanding of key rules associated with and regulations with sports to allow students to perform within the laws of the game. |
Students will learn the fundamental rules of each sport leading to them being able to officiate elements of the game situation. |
Students will develop their knowledge of the rules in greater detail to be able to officiate full games. |
Students' knowledge of the rules will be developed and can officiate full games. They will also be able to pass on their own knowledge to other students. |
Students will be experienced in the sport and know the intricate rules which do not occur as often. They will be able to pass this knowledge onto their peers. |
Exam Board |
AQA and CNAT Sport Studies - OCR |
Paper 1 |
Applied Anatomy and Physiology Movement Analysis Physical Training Use of Data |
Written Exam: 1 hour 15 minutes 78 marks 30% of GCSE A mixture of multiple choice/ short answer/extended answer questions. |
Paper 2 |
Sports Psychology Socio-cultural influences Health, fitness and well-being Use of Data |
Written Exam: 1 hour 15 minutes 78 marks 30% of GCSE A mixture of multiple choice/ short answer/extended answer questions. |
NEA Practical (30% of GCSE) |
Students will be assessed on 1 x team sport and 2 x individual sport OR 2 x team sport and 1 x individual sport. Full list of sports students are permitted to be assessed on is detailed here: |
NEA Coursework (10% of GCSE) |
Analysis and evaluation of performance to bring about improvement in one activity. |
Link to the Specification |
https://www.aqa.org.uk/subjects/physical-education/gcse/physical-education-8582/specification-at-a-glance |