Subject Information - Art & Photography
The Art department's motto, 'Make Your Mark', is a call for students to develop their creativity, their identity and their success as artists. Engaging 2D & 3D projects provide opportunities to experiment and encourage personal study as well as delivering a wide range of cultural and technical knowledge and practical skills.
We offer Art Club to KS3 and Art Hub to KS4 GCSE where students can access the art studio materials, resources and staff support for their GCSE projects and extension work. We have strong links with the UCA (University of Creative Arts) and other sources to offer specialist workshops and opportunities to work with professionals. In Years 9, 10 and 11 we offer trips to locations, galleries and museums to enhance research for GCSE project work.
Please click on the link below to access more information about the Art Department:
Follow on Instagram: @artfhes
Resources and support materials can be found on Google Classroom, such as the Art GCSE Booklet.
Further information can be requested from the Heads of Department:
Ms J Overton (KS3) - joverton@fhes.org.uk
Mrs N Bellamy (KS4) - nbellamy@fhes.org.uk
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 7 |
Natural Environment Project:
Continue Natural Environment Project. Monster Project:
Continue Monster Project. Planet Project:
Year 8 |
Portrait Project:
Continue Portrait Project. Under the Sea Project:
Continue Under the Sea Project. Figure Project:
Year 9 |
Clay Cake Project:
Continue Clay Cake Project. GCSE Fundamental skills and Techniques:
Continue GCSE Fundamental skills and Techniques. |
Year 10 |
Fine Art: Natural Forms Project (2D skills). Students independently research, explore and develop this theme. Students cover GCSE Assessment Objectives. |
Fine Art: Completion of AO4 Final Outcome for the Natural Forms Project. Begin Personal Project (3D skills). Students independently research, explore and develop this theme. Students cover GCSE Assessment Objectives |
Fine Art: Continue Personal Project (3D skills). |
Year 11 |
Fine Art: Completion of AO4 Final Outcome for the Personal Project. Complete Component 1. Photography: As Above |
Fine Art: Component 2 - Externally set project theme (Released by Exam Board 2nd January). Students will select one of the project themes set by the Exam Board. They must independently research, explore and develop this theme within a 10 week schedule. The Final Outcome will be produced in a 10 hour Timed Test. Component 2 DEADLINE -March. The sketchbook of preparation MUST be handed in on day 2 of the timed test. Photography: As above. |
GCSE Fine Art & Photography Completed. |
Key Skills |
Year 7 |
Year 8 |
Year 9 |
Observation skills |
Introduction to use of guidelines and measurement, simplifying shapes. Introduction to light source and use of tonal shading to create three dimensional effects. |
Refining shapes and tonal shading. Use of different mark-making to build up tone, texture and expressive qualities. Use of different drawing methods. |
Refining shapes and tonal shading. Extending mark-making to build up tone, texture and expressive qualities. Variety of different drawing methods. |
Experimentation |
Introduction of watercolour techniques. Introduction to clay techniques. |
Use of different mark-making techniques using pencil, paint and print methods. Power of text and image. Acrylic paint techniques. |
Refined clay techniques. Extending printmaking techniques. Extending painting techniques. |
Research and Planning |
Oral and written analysis to discuss the work of artists and inform own ideas. Use of subject specific terminology. Use of simple perspective and composition. Use of research to inspire ideas for a mixed material piece / clay monster. |
Oral and written analysis to discuss the work of artists and inform own ideas. Extended subject specific terminology. Composition methods - such as the rule of thirds, tondo, leading lines. Use of research to inspire ideas for a portrait with a statement message / acrylic painting. |
Independent written analysis to discuss the work of artists and inform own ideas. Extended subject specific terminology. Refined composition and planning methods. Working to GCSE criteria and standards. |
Producing Final Outcomes |
Creation of a mixed material piece. Creation of a clay sculpture. |
Creation of a portrait drawing with meaningful text. Creation of an under the sea painting. |
Creation of a clay sculpture. Creation of a series of small outcomes.
GCSE Assessment Objectives / Skills |
Year 10 |
Year 11 |
AO1: Develop ideas |
Written and visual analysis of artist’s work and other relevant contexts. Reflection of own work as it progresses. Use of research to help plan own ideas towards a final outcome. |
Written and visual analysis of artist’s work and other relevant contexts. Reflection of own work as it progresses. Use of research to help plan own ideas towards a final outcome.
AO2: Refine ideas |
Experimentation of relevant materials, methods and techniques. |
Experimentation of relevant materials, methods and techniques. |
AO3: Record ideas and observations |
Use of drawing and other media, to investigate and record observations. Use of drawing to express own developing ideas. |
Use of drawing and other media, to investigate and record observations. Use of drawing to express own developing ideas. |
AO4: Present ideas |
Complete a final outcome that realises all the intentions of the research and planning for the chosen theme. |
Complete a final outcome that realises all the intentions of the research and planning for the chosen theme. |
Exam Board |
Eduqas |
Component 1 |
Introduction Project. Project 1 - Natural Forms Project 2 - Personal Project (3D) |
Each project must cover the 4 Assessment Objectives. Component 1 = 60% of GCSE Grade. |
Component 2 |
Externally set theme - set by Exam Board. |
This project must cover the 4 Assessment Objectives. Component 2 = 40% of GCSE Grade. |
Link to the Specification |
https://www.eduqas.co.uk/qualifications/art-and-design-gcse/#tab_keydocuments |