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Safeguarding & Online Safety
Safeguarding at Farnham Heath End School
To access the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy, please click on the link below:
Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
If your concern is about the safety or wellbeing of a child, please contact us using this email address: safeguarding@fhes.org.uk.
If your concern is about bullying, please contact us using this email address: bullying@fhes.org.uk
Alternatively, call us on 01252 733371 and ask to speak to Mrs Hill, DSL, or Mrs Deans, the Safeguarding Lead.
In the event that the DSL or DDSL is not available and you are concerned about a child call:
Children’s Single Point of Access (C-SPA) 0300 470 9100 or out of hours 01483 517898
cspa@surreycc.gov.uk www.surreycc.gov.uk/children/contact-childrens-services
If a child is at immediate risk, call 999.
Reporting a crime anonymously can be done via the CrimeStoppers or Fearless websites, or by calling 0800 555 111.
These services allow you to pass on information about crime 100% anonymously.
Key Personnel
Mr S Maginnis, Principal: smaginnis@fhes.org.uk
Mrs N Hill, Assistant Principal: Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), nhill@fhes.org.uk or safeguarding@fhes.org.uk
Mr C Wallace, Associate Assistant Principal: Safeguarding Team, DSL trained cwallace@fhes.org.uk
Mrs D Deans, Deputy Year 11 Leader: Safeguarding Lead / DDSL, ddeans@fhes.org.uk or safeguarding@fhes.org.uk
Mrs J Webster, Student Services Manager: Safeguarding Team, jwebster@fhes.org.uk
Mr T Stuart, Student Support: Safeguarding Team, tstuart@fhes.org.uk
Mr B Jones, Whole Child Manager: Safeguarding Team / LGBTQ, bjones@fhes.org.uk
Mrs C Cave, Wellbeing Intervention Coordinator: Safeguarding Team, ccave@fhes.org.uk
Miss E Cornall, Associate Assistant Principal / SENCo / Designated Teacher for CLA, ecornall@fhes.org.uk
Mrs M Younger: Safeguarding and Child Protection Governor, myounger@fhes.org.uk
Mrs C Green, Chair of Governors, chair_governors@fhes.org.uk
Persistent Absence could be seen as a safeguarding concern and the school will follow its process as outlined in the Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy. To access more details on persistent absence, please click on the link below:
Please click on the link below to access the Parents Protect website:
Child Protection Websites:
CEOP helps keep children and young people safe from sexual abuse and grooming online. They help thousands of children and young people every year, as well as their parents and carers.
They can help and give you advice, and you can make a report directly to them if something has happened to a child online which has made either you or your child feel unsafe, scared or worried. This might be from someone they know in real life, or someone they have only ever met online. Please click on the link below for further details:
Other organisations available to parents:
A lot of the information listed below is available by using Surrey or Hampshire County Council's Family Information Service websites. Click on the links below to access more information:
Surrey Family Information Service (FIS)
Hampshire Family Information Service (FIS)
This is a free internet, telephone and outreach service. They offer parents and prospective parents information about all services for children aged 0-19 years old (up to the age of 25 if the young person has a special need). They are a one stop place to find out where to go for more help, and help parents 'self serve’.
Go to the Family Information Directory to access more information about:
- Information for Young People
- Support for Parents and Carers
- Education and Learning Advice
Tel: 08456 011777
Email: surrey.fis@surreycc.gov.uk
Parentline Plus – ‘Got a Teenager’
A national charity that works for, and with parents. They offer lots of on-line support and services to help teenagers (e.g. games consoles, sibling rivalry, bullying), online parenting classes, telephone advice from experts, fact sheets etc. They also provide a telephone service. They can be used in a crisis, but is probably best for parents who want to research, or reflect and plan for the future.
Tel: 0800 800 2222 (24 hours)www.gotateenager.org.uk is part of Parentline Plus www.parentlineplus.org.uk
Family Line Surrey
A confidential telephone help line. No problem is too big or small. A listening service for families going through hard times. Good to call when things are going badly and you need a listening ear. They will refer parents on to support organisations in Surrey.
Tel: 0808 800 5678 (not 24 hours)
Partnership with Parents
The service provides information, advice and support to parents of children with Special Educational Needs (SEN) at all stages of their child's school life, from pre-school early diagnosis through to school-leaving at 16 or 19 and for those with learning difficulties and/or disabilities to age 25.
Tel: 01737 737300
Organisations (Specific family or child situations)
e.g. Single parent families, Bullying, ADHD, Drugs
Refer to the Surrey Parent Handbooks below
Contact Surrey Family Information Services.
Surrey Parent Handbooks - guides for parents of children aged 11-19. Includes information and further sources of help for lots of issues (e.g. friendships, drugs) including websites and phone numbers for Surrey and national services. Paper copies can be obtained from FIS, libraries and downloadable from: www.surreycc.gov.uk (do a search for parent handbook) Copies are usually available at the school office.
Video Clips
Parent Channel
This website is full of short and informative video clips for handling some common topics for parents of all ages, including aged 9-14 'Moving to Secondary School' and 'Friends - Friendship Blues and Bust-ups'. This is a collaborative project funded by the Department for Education, and one partner is Parenting UK, a national membership body with access to parenting knowledge across the sector.
Other Web Sites
KidscapeAlthough this site is focused on bullying, it also has a section about 'Making Friends' and 'Assertive Techniques'. The 'Making Friends' is within the 'child and young people' area and is targeted at young people encouraging them to think about and explore what is a good friend or not? What kinds of friends do you like? and having a plan to work towards. The 'Assertiveness Techniques' are within the 'parent's section' and includes a downloadable leaflet for young people.
ChildnetKnow it All (KIA) for parents. Everything to get you set up to spend time understanding the internet world and supporting your children with their internet usage, including video clips.
GOV.ukA Government site with a section for Parents. Information and support for parents about how to help with your child's learning, including advice on choosing and finding a school.
Parenting Books:
Surrey Library has around a hundred different books for parenting
teenagers (reserve online via www.surreycc.gov.uk and have them delivered to your local branch).
All the following books are available from the library service except those marked with an ‘*’.
Parenting Pre-teens:
- Talking to Tweenies - Getting it right before it gets rocky with your 8-12 year old (Elizabeth Hartley Brewer) - understanding their world and supporting them at this age.
- How to Talk So Kids will Listen and Listen so kids will talk Adele Faber and Elain Mazlish).
- *How to hug a porcupine - negotiating the prickly points of the tween years (Julie A Ross)
- *Why are they so weird? What's really going on inside a teenagers brain (Barbara Trauch)
- Adolescence - a guide for parents (Michael Carr-Gregg & Erin Shale).
- Whatever! A down to earth guide to parenting teenagers (Gill Hines & Alison Baverstock).
Parenting Teenagers:
- As listed in Supporting Your Teenager - Signposts for Parents
- Teenager, the agony, the ecstasy and the answers: How to bridge the gap between parents and teenagers (Aidan MacFarlane and Ann McPherson).
- How to Talk So Kids will Listen and Listen so kids will talk (Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish).
- The Fathers’ Book: Being a good dad in the 21st. century. (David Cohen).
- Parenting Girls (Janet Irwin, Susanna de Vries and Susan Stratigos Wilson)
Also Recommended:
- The Terrible Teens: what every parent needs to know - Kate Figes.
- Teenagers!: What Every Parent Has to Know- Rob Parsons.
To access further safeguarding and online safety guidance for parents, please click on the link below:
Safeguarding Guidance including Online Safety
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