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Work Experience
Work Experience is a key component of the FHES Careers Education Programme. Year 10 students complete a five-day placement in the second half of the summer term which will coincide with Activities Week for the lower school.
Secondary schools have a duty to provide students with an experience of the workplace whilst they are in school.
As a school, we are committed to the importance of work experience and feel strongly that this is a valuable and relevant opportunity for our students.
FHES recognises that students benefit from work experience in a number of ways including:
- Develops their understanding of work.
- Enables them to learn about how businesses operate and an awareness of the demands and expectations of working life.
- Develops an awareness of employment opportunities.
- Enabling opportunities for professional, personal and social development.
- Potential referee for future training, employment and potential job opportunities.
Work Experience 2024 Year 10 |
Monday 7 July to Friday 11 July |
The Work Experience Coordinator is Mrs Wilks: vwilks@fhes.org.uk
Students are expected to independently source, with support from the school, their Year 10 Work Experience placement. From prior experience, this helps ensure each student undertakes a placement that is most beneficial to them, but also develops important employability skills for the future.
Step by Step Guide to the Work Experience Process
Step 1: Confirm placement via WEX form
Complete Paper form provided by school.
The form must be completed/signed by the employer and by the parent/guardian.
Students to hand form in to Form Tutor or Mrs Wilks.
Step 2: Log in to Unifrog
Unifrog is an online careers programme that provides a Work Experience service. Unifrog will ensure that all placement providers have Health and Safety checks, appropriate risk assessments in place and Employer Liability Insurance.
All Year 10 students have an individual Unifrog account that they can log in to.
For any logging in issues, please contact vwilks@fhes.org.uk
Step 3: Upload details of placement onto Unifrog
To upload details of a placement, go to the placements tool and complete the Student Initial Form which requires the following details:
- Confirmation placement is in person.
- Placement Co-ordinator – this is the school co-ordinator, Mrs V Wilks.
- Name of placement business/organisation.
- Start and end date of placement.
- Time commitment – this should be full-time.
- Objectives – set three objectives.
- Lead name for placement with contact details.
Filling out your Student Initial Form: video explainer
Step 4: Monitoring progress of your placement
In the placements tool, students can also check the progress of employer, parent and school coordinator forms.
It is advisable to check in every now and then to see how a placement is progressing.
Watch these guides for more information on the Placements tool:
How to use the placements tool on Unifrog: video explainer
Work experience placements: guides for students, employers, parents and teachers
Year 10 Work Experience Parent Information presentation
Year 9 Work Experience Week Student Assembly (WEX launched at the end of Year 9)