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SEND - Support for Parents and Carers
Our Belief
At FHES, our relationships with parents and carers are of great importance to us.
We believe that you are the expert on your child.
We value working holistically where parental voice is key to ensure our young people receive the best outcomes.
Parent Support
As many of the team have children with SEND, we know that parenting can be challenging and you can feel isolated at times. We have created a list of useful organisations to support you, in addition to the support you will receive from school. You can find these in the downloads below called 'SEND Local Groups and Events'.
Parent Support Group
We have an FHES Parent Inclusion Group, which all parents are welcome to join. The group meet termly to look at how we can continue to make the school fully inclusive in every sense. Please email send@fhes.org.uk if you would like more information or to join the group.
SEND Parent Coffee Mornings
We are going to be running half-termly coffee mornings for parents with children with SEND (this can include a sibling with SEND at a different school). The coffee mornings will start with a brief presentation or discussion point and the parents will have the opportunity to talk with one another. A member of the SEND Team will also be there to offer any support/guidance needed. We hope to build a community of parents who can support and learn from one another.
Dates will be communicated via Twitter, Arbor and the Parent Bulletin.
Our focus at FHES is making our classrooms fully inclusive so all our students can thrive alongside their peers.
From time to time, children may need to be withdrawn for targeted, specific intervention with a specialist to help them overcome a barrier to learning and access the wider curriculum more effectively.
If your child is recommended for any intervention, you will be asked for signed consent. We are always happy to discuss any interventions, why we have selected the child and how it will benefit them.
Our main consent forms are linked to this page, should you need one, or please message us for any support with this.
Please do not hesitate to make contact if you need support or would like to discuss your child's SEN - send@fhes.org.uk (Emma Cornall - SENDCo)
Where to find support
Surrey Helplines for Parents
They provide an out-of-hours phone line for advice to parents and carers who are struggling with behaviours or neurodiverse difficulties.
It runs from 5pm until 11pm, seven days a week, 365 days a year.
Please call 0300 222 5755. Option 3 Autism, option 4 ADHD
Mustard Seed's Advice Line for Families Living with Autism
Every Wednesday afternoon one of the Mustard Seed Team are available to give advice, signpost, recommend resources and share ideas.
You don't have to be on their waiting list to make an appointment. Families can book a call by emailing office@mustardseedautism.co.uk
Occupational Therapy Helpline
Call 01932 558570 on Tuesdays and Thursdays between 2-4pm or click on the link below:
NHS Children & Family Health Surrey
We cannot recommend individual practitioners but appreciate how hard it can be to locate support. Please find below some useful search engines if you wish to investigate private support for your child.